Fifty years on from a ground-breaking conference looking at Scotland’s landscapes, a follow up event is scheduled to consider the future for nation’s countryside.
In 1962, a ground-breaking conference considered the state of the nation’s landscape. At that time, the main issues were: the impact of building motorways, open cast developments, major expansion of commercial forestry, changing agricultural patterns and industrial developments. This conference and the thinking that it sparked promoted the creation of the Countryside Commission for Scotland, which more recently evolved into Scottish Natural Heritage.
In 2012, Landscape Policy & Implementation in Scotland ‘Fifty Years On’ 1962 - 2012 – 2062 will examine what has been achieved in Scottish landscape policy in the past fifty years, as well as look ahead to the changes that the landscape of Scotland will have to contend with over the coming fifty years.
Chaired by broadcaster and journalist Lesley Riddoch and taking place on 27 and 28 November 2012, the event brings together experts with acknowledged experience in the past, present and future of Scotland's landscapes.
Conference organiser William Cairns said:
“Scotland’s landscapes are a key national asset and make a massive contribution to the quality of life and economic livelihoods of Scotland’s people.
“In the sixties and seventies, the nation’s landscapes were under growing and uncharted pressures from new developments- such as mass house-building, motorways, power lines and stations, reservoir and oil and gas developments - together with significant changes to agriculture and the wider economy of rural areas. Many of these issues remain relevant today. There are also new challenges from meeting renewable energy and new forestry targets, growing Scotland's reputation as a leading outdoor tourism destination, and improving the health and economy of our largest towns and cities.
“Our countryside and settlements are dynamic and evolutionary. Fifty years on from this first discussion, it is timely to stop and take stock of policy and practice debating how we should better understand and respond to change in Scotland’s landscapes.”
Experts scheduled to speak include government and agency leaders and prominent professionals in the many fields representing the Scottish landscape and countryside.
Registration for the event opens soon. For more information and pricing please visit landscapescotland2012.com.
Landscape Policy & Implementation in Scotland ‘Fifty Years On’ 1962 - 2012 – 2062, takes place at Perth Concert Hall on 27 and 28 November 2012.
The event is organised by Cairns ICL, in partnership with the National Trust for Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Landscape Institute Scotland and John Muir Trust.
Feature photo: Glencoe. Stephen Whitehorne. National Trust for Scotland.
All information contained herein provided by the National Trust for Scotland
All Scotland's Landscapes Matter
Written by Jessica Voigts