Many flock to Findhorn, a village in Moray, to find solace while enjoying doing satsang with the likes of Eckhart Tolle and other such powerful speakers. Others come to enjoy the scenery for a quick getaway from the city. Either way, both visitors find what they are looking for: tranquility and peace of mind.
The Findhorn Foundation is a charity that was officially established in the 1970s after several spiritual and eco conscious seekers unexpectedly settled there. The Findhorn ecovillage was developed in the 1980s and an organic and sustainable village emerged; in 2002 they even created their own currency, the Eko. This environmentally and spiritually savvy settlement continued to grow in momentum and still does to this day.
Findhorn Foundation - photos courtesy of Findforn Foundation
A barrel house – made from recycled whisky barrels
The Findhorn Foundation has ‘developed a series of its own workshops and programmes based on 49 years of experience as a centre for holistic learning.’ Spiritual teachers the likes of Carolyn Myss, the famed medical intuitive, teach master classes or hold conferences and talks ranging from astroshamanism to joyful parenting. According to the Findhorn Foundation's website, http://www.findhorn.org/
‘We honour and recognise all the major world religions, and also many new expressions of spiritual principles. Guests and staff follow whichever path they choose for their own spiritual growth. In the community we focus on the common principles which underlie all these paths.’
There are a number of various types of accommodation in the Findhorn area that suits a wide range of budgets. The Lightship Beachhouse is a 10 minute walk from the Findhorn Foundation and is the perfect place for health conscious individuals looking to maintain their vegetarian diet. The Strawbale House sits in the middle of the eco village and has free wifi from 29 pounds per night.
Photo courtesy of flickr creative commons: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mike_mc/
A Spiritual Retreat: Visiting Findhorn
Written by Elizabeth Kelsey