Lay down Scottish roots ...
plant a tree & create a Living Legacy
From the Scotsman:
Purchase a unique and everlasting gift or make a touching tribute to a loved one by planting a tree in their honour. The trees will be planted in Teaghlach Wood (meaning family or clan) which is located near the village of Comrie in Scotland's central Highlands. You will receive a fabulous planting certificate and can even have your name upon the onsite honours board. As the woodland matures, we hope it will become a place to be enjoyed by future generations.
The Scotsman Publications are delighted to be supporting Trees4Scotland in their efforts to restore Scotland’s native woodlands. Native woodlands bring so much including:
- Restoration of wildlife habitats
- A learning resource for kids
- A leisure resource for local communities
You can lay down Scottish roots and SAVE 10% on all tree packages, from only £9. This is one of the most eco-friendly and unique gifts you can buy.
To receive your 10% discount visit www.trees4scotland.com/scotsman and quote MEMORYWEB1
Photo of Strathearn, towards Comrie, used courtesy of flickr creative commons: flickr.com/photos/martinb/376644626/
Written by Jessica Voigts